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Words from the Editorial Board Chair

 For over 50 years, science journal “Surface” has supported the field through editing colloid meetings and surface workshops, but two years ago the journal was discontinued due to the bankruptcy of the owning publisher. However, in response to the numerous requests from the readers, the specified NPO “Material and Surface Research Group” was founded in February 2015 and will publish the “Accounts of Materials & Surface Research” as a new accounts journal specializing in surface and interface science. This journal will inherit the goals and mission of “Surface,” which has published a wide variety of articles, summaries, and commentaries on colloid and interface chemistry, as well as a broader range of studies on surface and interface. As an online journal based on peer reviewed accounts (summaries and commentaries of personal and group researches highlights), we hope to provide a community where people can share and develop cutting edge research and knowledge on relating fields, and also provide the opportunity for domestic researchers to send their researches worldwide. While playing a role as a science journal to provide information on the newest researches, “Accounts of Materials & Surface Research” will also share the information through free access and download to all researchers, students, and citizens.
 The first of issue “Accounts of Materials & Surface Research” was published and released in March 2016, and we plan to release several times a year with each issue providing peer-reviewed account entries on the latest studies. This journal is made from both account entries written by researchers invited/requested by the board, and account entries from contributing researchers. We are waiting for your contributions as well as nominations for accounts authors. On behalf of the editorial board, we hope to contribute to this field and will appreciate any suggestions and comments, and hope for your support.

Yasuhiro Iwasawa

Specially Appointed Professor, The University of Electro-Communications
Emeritus Professor, The University of Tokyo


 I would like to send a greeting in connection with the establishment of a specified non-profit organization, Material & Surface Research Group (MSRG, approved on January 21, 2015) for the issuance of Web Journal Magazine.
 The scientific journal “Hyomen (Surface)” went out of existence two years ago due to the reasons of the publisher, Koshinsha K.K. We appreciate the longtime subscribers of “Hyomen” for 51 years, who are engaged in the studies of colloid and interface chemistry, surface chemistry, electrochemistry, catalytic chemistry, and fatty chemistry.
 The discontinued “Hyomen” was an extremely rare scientific journal. It was a coterie magazine issued by Koshinsha K.K., not belonging to any scientific society, but only aiming at social contribution rather than the commercial gain of the company.
 The scientific journal, “Hyomen”, provided information not only on the surface of every material but also on the interface within material, the interface between different materials, that on the composition and physical property of material, and furthermore, that concerning various aspects of scientific events, without limiting pages. However, the end of the publication of the monthly scientific journal, “Hyomen”, will extremely adversely affect the development of this field; therefore, all of those who have been engaged in the publication of this scientific journal, considered it important to continue to provide the information for the development of technology, and looked for any available measures for two years after the publication discontinued. The NPO・MSRG which was established will take over this editing spirit, but it has been decided to discontinue providing the information by hardcopy, and instead issue a “Web Journal Magazine.” It was considered that by issuing it on web site, specified and unspecified users can easily browse the magazine without charge; and by making it free to browse the paper, more researchers can be provided with “important information concerning surface and interface.” In other words, the opportunity was established for anyone to visit “Material Surface” anytime without being limited by belonging to a scientific society, and they can download review papers and commentaries as they like.
 It is preferred that unspecified users, more than the 20,000 subscribers of “Hyomen,” would be interested in and visit “Material Surface” by posting it on website.
 All members of editorial committee sincerely hope that the researchers to whom have been ask to write a review paper and commentary would consider to have been given the opportunity to catch the attention of readers brimming with curiosity irrespective of their fields.

Masahiko Abe

Accounts of Materials & Surface Research Chairman


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Enhancement of Li-ion battery electrode performance by the assistance of carbon nanopores

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Biomimetic Surfaces Generated by Photoirradiation

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Application of amorphous oxide-TFT technology to thin film radio frequency devices

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High-performance Soft Materials Consisting of Colloidal Building Blocks

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Fabrication and Functionalization of Composite Films from Polyion Complexes of Polysaccharides